I am excited to finally share the concept for the "Ten Days of Gifting"!

It is fun, easy, AND customizable!!!

Easy Ten Days of Gifting (How-to with gift ideas)

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Because 2020 has been such a weird year and because I have adult children who mainly want money for Christmas (I get it, but boring), I wanted to do something different/extra this year.  I considered using some Pinterest version of the Twelve Days of Christmas, but I don't like the song, the potential gift ideas were too limiting (and weird?), and I'm picky about rhyme schemes having just the right "flow".  I thought about writing my own "Twelve Days", but I didn't want the added stress of that (and somehow twelve gifts seemed excessive, but ten feels just right)!  Goldilocks syndrome?!?

Easy Ten Days of Gifting (How-to with gift ideas)

Anyway, I plowed ahead and merrily started creating free printable gift tags for things I thought my family would like or might be amused by.  My subconscious continued to think about how I could "gift" these items in an EASY and FUN way. And then...

Lightbulb moment!

Easy Ten Days of Gifting (How-to with gift ideas)

Why not put the gift with the cute tag inside a simple numbered bag and write ONE introductory rhyme that explains the whole thing?!?

Did you notice that the explanation tags reference the Polar Express?  I made these little printable tickets years ago and I love them so much that I set them out every year!

Wrapped 10 Days of Gifting Package

Punch a hole and tie on a ribbon and a little silver (or red) bell.  Silver is "more correct" per the story, but my people won't know that.  If you have a circle punch, turn it upside down and line up the 1/4 circle edge with the line on the tag for a clean line.  If you don't have a punch, use a sharp scissor to trim the fancy edge.  You can either add the ticket favor as an "extra" in gift bag #1 or attach it to the top of the wrapped package along with the explanation (like I did).

To Wrap:

(As shown in the first photo) I placed the gift bags in a large box and lined the packages up in two rows (1-5 and 6-10).  I taped the box closed and carefully wrapped the top and sides without flipping the box over.  You will need to keep track of "which side is up".

Gift How-To:
For the gifts, I purchased these simple white lunch bags and I like them a lot!

Easy Ten Days of Gifting (How-to with gift ideas)

They are larger than normal lunch bags and all of my gifts fit inside.  The only downside is that they are a tiny bit see through, so I did wrap everything in white tissue paper to keep everyone from trying to guess what the next gift would be.  I will absolutely purchase these bags again!  I am going to try my hand at making luminaries with the leftovers.  Plus, I can "style" them for any upcoming holiday or birthday gifting opportunity.

The best part of this idea???  You can copy my gifts OR you can customize what you choose to give inside each bag.  The rhyme/bags/numbers will work for anything you put inside (with or without a fun gift tag attached).  Look on Pinterest for other gift ideas if any of mine don't work for you.

If you want to copy me exactly, I basically alternated food/drink gifts with non-edible presents.  I've linked to the posts with the free tags below.

Note:  If they have a beloved pet, you might want to use these optional tags to gift them a new cat toy or dog treats.

Here are the numbered tags for the outside of the bags.  You know me, just in case you are a "Twelve Days" person, I've got you covered!  But I personally will only be using numbers 1-10 for my Ten Days of Gifting.  I didn't fool around with ribbon, I simply folded the bag over and used two staples to attach each tag.

Easy Ten Days of Gifting (How-to with gift ideas)

Easy Ten Days of Gifting (How-to with gift ideas)

I have to admit that I avoided watching The Polar Express for years.  When I finally watched it, I really did like it (so I laughed at myself for being so stubborn).

Josh Groban's "Believe" is now one of my favorite Christmas songs.

Here is a basic plot summary if you don't remember the movie:
One Christmas Eve many years ago, a boy lies in bed, listening hard for the bells of Santaโ€™s sleigh, which he has been told by a friend do not exist. Later that night he hears not bells but a very different sound. He looks out of his window and is astounded to see a steam engine parked in front of his house. The conductor invites him to board the Polar Express, a train filled with children on their way to the North Pole. The boy and his companions journey past tiny towns and forests full of wild creatures. They travel up and around mountains and across the Great Polar Ice Cap to the magical city at the North Pole. The train takes the children to the center of the city, where Santa and the elves have gathered for the giving of the first gift of Christmas. The boy is chosen to receive this first gift. Knowing that he can choose anything in the world, he decides on a simple gift: one silver bell from Santaโ€™s sleigh. Santa cuts a bell from a reindeerโ€™s harness and the delighted boy slips it into his bathrobe pocket as the clock strikes midnight and the reindeer pull the sleigh into the sky.

When the children return to the train, the boy realizes the bell has fallen through a hole in his pocket. Heartbroken, he is returned to his home. In the morning, his little sister finds one small box with the boyโ€™s name on it among the presents below the Christmas tree. Inside is the silver bell! The boy and his sister are enchanted by its beautiful sound, but their parents cannot hear it. The boy continues to believe in the spirit of Christmas and is able to hear the sweet ringing of the bell even as an adult.  (Courtesy of houghtonmifflinbooks.com)

I made one more tag that will be an extra present in the #10 gift bag.  This tag will be wrapped with the signs that my sweet friend, Cindy, made for me. I love that my family will be able to set the signs out each year and be reminded that the word "Believe" can have two different meanings at Christmastime (Santa and Jesus).

Easy Ten Days of Gifting (How-to with gift ideas)

I'd like my family to always remember the wonder of Christmas (and never be too old to hear the bell ring or search the skies on Christmas Eve)!

I can think of all sorts of people who you could gift this to: family, friends, neighbors, or co-workers, but please also consider your older friends/family in nursing homes, too.  2020 has been an especially lonely year for them.  ๐Ÿ˜ข   You will have to check on local rules, but wouldn't it be fun to drop off a big wrapped box with ten little gifts inside?  That way your loved one could look forward to opening one gift each day leading up to Christmas. 

I would love it if you would share this idea.  If you do try it this year, please let me know and list your alternate gift ideas in the comment section!

I do "believe" that the Ten Days of Gifting may become a new tradition for my family!  The numbered tags and gift bags would be the same from year to year, but the actual presents inside would be different.

I love, love, love this easy idea (and I hope you do, too)!

Merry Christmas!
๐Ÿ’– Karen

Easy Ten Days of Gifting (How-to with gift ideas)

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Easy 10 Days of Gifting How-To

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