Easy Family Feud for a Group Game!

This is a fun and easy Family Feud style game to play with a large group.  Everyone answers ten questions and tries to come up with the "number one" answer for each.  This was originally one of the "Twelve Games of Christmas".

Group Family Feud

     Hand out answer sheets numbered from one to ten (create your own or use my free one here.)   Then say, "100 random people were surveyed and the top five answers are on the board.  Try to guess the number one answer for each question!"

(I found the answers on various websites, but the first one that I always try is Diva Girl Parties and Stuff!  This is a very fun site, so check it out...)

Anyway, simply read the ten questions (listed below) one at a time and have each person write down the first answer that pops into their head.  Points will be scored for each answer that is on the "board".  The person with the highest total score is the winner!

I used this game with my family (including teenagers) on New Year's Eve and played it again with my co-workers.  It was well-received by all.

Easy Family Feud for a Group Game

Here is a free printable version of the game for you!

The Questions:

1)  Besides a clock or watch, what in your home displays the time?

2)  Other than clothing, name something people wear every day.

3)  Name a cereal that was around when you were a kid and is still sold today.

4)  Name a food that is recognizable by its smell.

5)  Name a game that kids have played for generations.

6)  Name a quiet animal.

7)  Name something that people spread.

8)  Name something you do every day of your life.

9)  Name something you eat by the slice.

10) Name something people buy that comes in β€œstick” form.

Family Feud For A Group Game

Scroll down for the answers...

P.S.  Again if you need an answer sheet, click here for my free one. 

For scoring:  If they guessed the #1 (most popular) answer, they receive 5 points.  The next most popular answer scores 4 points, etc.  Simply add up the total points and the person with the highest score wins!

1)  Besides a clock or watch, what in your home displays the time?

                   5 points:  Cell Phone
                   4 points:  Microwave
                   3 points:  Computer
                   2 points:  Stove
                   1 point:    TV     

2)  Other than clothing, name something people wear every day.

                   5 points:  Watch
                   4 points:  Jewelry
                   3 points:  Shoes
                   2 points:  Deodorant
                   1 point:    Glasses

3)  Name a cereal that was around when you were a kid and is still sold today.

                   5 points:  Corn Flakes
                   4 points:  Cheerios
                   3 points:  Oatmeal
                   2 points:  Rice Krispies
                   1 point:    Frosted Flakes

4)  Name a food that is recognizable by its smell.
                   5 points:  Onions
                   4 points:  Fish
                   3 points:  Garlic
                   2 points:  Pizza
                   1 point:    Popcorn

5)  Name a game that kids have played for generations.

                   5 points:  Hide and Seek
                   4 points:  Tag
                   3 points:  Hopscotch
                   2 points:  Baseball
                   1 point:    Checkers

6)  Name a quiet animal.

             5 points:  Cat
             4 points:  Mouse
             3 points:  Rabbit
             2 points:  Deer
             1 point:    Giraffe
7)  Name something that people spread.

             5 points:  Butter
             4 points:  Rumors/Lies
             3 points:  Germs
             2 points:  Peanut Butter
             1 point:    Jam/Jelly

8)  Name something you do every day of your life.

             5 points:  Eat
             4 points:  Brush teeth
             3 points:  Take a shower
             2 points:  Use the bathroom
             1 point:    Sleep

9)  Name something you eat by the slice.

             5 points:  Bread
             4 points:  Pizza
             3 points:  Cake/Pie
             2 points:  Cheese
             1 point:    Orange

10) Name something people buy that comes in β€œstick” form.

             5 points:  Gum
             4 points:  Deodorant
             3 points:  Butter
             2 points:  Lipstick
             1 point:    Glue

Other fun Family Feud style games:

The Twelve Games of Christmas
1)  A Bit "Dicey"
2)  Breakfast Scramble
3)  Block Head
4)  Snowball Stack
5)  Defying Gravity
6)  Oh Christmas Tree
7)  Feather Float
8)  Use Your Noodle
9)  Catch Me If You Can

Group Games:
10)  Name the Christmas Song
11)  Action Charades
12)  Easy Family Feud for a Group - this game!

Easy Family Feud for a Group Game

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