A (photo) treasure hunt for animal lovers (Part 2)

In my last post, I showed you how to create 

If you want to make your treasure hunt a little more difficult, I will show you what I did using a free font named:  doggon.

Note:  If you are new at installing fonts on your computer, there are a number of tutorials on the web.  Here is one that I like from The Graphics Fairy.


Using Microsoft Word, I simply typed out my message and used capital letters for the words that I wanted to replace with the doggon font.  (You may need to use extra spaces between words to make the end product more readable.)  I will share the message that I used for my teenager (but it may not be appropriate for your use).

Here is part of the same message, with the capitalized words replaced with the doggon font (and sized larger):

I used "Insert" and "Picture" in Microsoft Word and navigated to the photos of our dog.  For each picture, I added part of the alphabet (A = A, B = B, C = C, etc.).  Then I selected the second letter from each group, and changed the font to doggon.  As my son was directed from place to place, he picked up part of the key to solving the final message (which told him that his prize was in the doghouse).

Stay tuned for part three on how to build a dog bone to hold their gift!

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