The Twelve "Games" of Christmas (#11 - Action Charades)

We recently played "Action Charades" at a Christmas Party and a New Year's Eve party.  The teenagers especially enjoyed acting out the words and were surprisingly good at guessing everything!

Action Charades

Simply print out this list of actions,
cut them apart and take turns acting them out. 

The list includes things like "dancing a ballet" and "washing an elephant".  We laughed A LOT!  You could also set a timer and see how many one team can act out in a minute instead of taking turns and doing one at a time.  The options are endless...enjoy!

Thank you to "The Game Gal" for the list and Happy New Year!!!

The Twelve Games of Christmas
1)  A Bit "Dicey"
2)  Breakfast Scramble
3)  Block Head
4)  Snowball Stack
5)  Defying Gravity
6)  Oh Christmas Tree
7)  Feather Float
8)  Use Your Noodle
9)  Catch Me If You Can

Group Games:
10)  Name the Christmas Song
11)  Action Charades - this game!
12)  Easy Family Feud for a Group

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