I Dig You, Valentine!

I just discovered Dollar Tree and everything truly is $1!  I love this store!  Here is a Valentine idea for you:

(Note:  It is OK to use this image for personal use...simply hover over the picture, right click, copy, open your word processing program, paste and print!)

I found this dinosaur egg at Dollar Tree and it reminded me of when the kids were little...

Reminiscing here:  About eight years ago, we wanted the kids to have "dino-mite" birthdays...so hubby and I made Quikcrete dinosaur bones!  This was one of our more creative (and labor intensive) ideas.  We buried the bones in our barn and the kids had to dig them up and assemble the dinosaur.

Most of the bones were around for many years, living in our sandbox.  Awww, aren't they cute?!?

Mine are teenagers now and reluctantly "test" stuff for my blog, but I'm telling you...

This idea was a hit!

I wrapped the dino egg in craft paper, and added the "I dig you, Valentine!" tag.  This idea is messy, so they used the wrapping paper as their "dig site".

The tools are included and you tap and scratch your way through the dirt to extract the bones.  This part took my teens about 10 minutes. (Note:  The package say 4+, but I think it will be less frustrating if the kids are older.)  The last step is to assemble the bones.


This was fun!
I dig Dollar Tree, I did this idea and...

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