The Twelve "Games" of Christmas (#2 - Breakfast Scramble)

Here is "Breakfast Scramble", the second game from The Twelve "Games" of Christmas.  Remember we are drawing the name of a person from one bowl and the name of a game that they will attempt from another bowl.
Breakfast Scramble Game

Game #2:  Breakfast Scramble

You need:
  • The front panel from an empty cereal box

Breakfast Scramble Game

After you cut the front cover off of the empty cereal box, flip it over and use a ruler to mark it into 4 rows with 4 columns.  Cut the "puzzle" into 16 even(ish) pieces.

Breakfast Scramble Game

The goal is to reassemble the puzzle into the cereal box cover.

I would slightly adjust the time depending on the whose name was drawn.  For a child, give them ~one minute (or however long it takes) to correctly assemble the pieces back into the cereal box cover.

Give an adult approximately 45 seconds.  (Try it yourself first and see how long it takes you, then use slightly less than that amount of time.)  😄

Breakfast Scramble Game

Have fun!

The Twelve Games of Christmas
1)  A Bit "Dicey"
2)  Breakfast Scramble - this game!
3)  Block Head
4)  Snowball Stack
5)  Defying Gravity
6)  Oh Christmas Tree
7)  Feather Float
8)  Use Your Noodle
9)  Catch Me If You Can

Group Games:
10)  Name the Christmas Song
11)  Action Charades
12)  Easy Family Feud for a Group

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