A Morse Code Treasure Hunt

Well, son #2 is turning 15 tomorrow, and somehow his birthday snuck up on me!

Morse Code Treasure Hunt

I haven't been feeling very "inspired" lately, and I couldn't think of anything special to do for his birthday.  I was all crabby today thinking, here is it, May Day, and I'm freezing.  There's not a flower in sight!  May Day...May...Day.  Mayday! Mayday! S.O.S.!

Hey, wait a minute, S.O.S. is Morse Code...I could make a treasure hunt out of dots and dashes!  (Whew!)

Here's what I did:

Morse Code Treasure Hunt

I spelled out a message using the sheet above.  I put four spaces in between each letter and a slash (/) between words.  That is all I'm going to tell you right now, because this might just be the ONE and only day he decides to look at my blog!

Here is the rest of the story:  Morse Code Treasure Hunt, Part II

Morse Code Treasure Hunt

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
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