Dad/Mom Questions

This is fun to do with your own school-age children
OR their friends/cousins.

Ask these questions in private and record the child's answers.  Some of the answers will be surprising and are usually good for a laugh when they are read back to the parents!  Ask it one time through for "dad" and then once for "mom".

  1)  What is something that (mom or dad) always says to you?
  2)  What makes (mom or dad) happy?
  3)  What makes (mom or dad) sad?
  4)  How does (mom or dad) make you laugh?
  5)  What was (mom or dad) like as a child?
  6)  How old is your (mom or dad)?
  7)  How tall is your (mom or dad)?
  8)  What is your (mom or dad)'s favorite thing to do?
  9)  What does your (mom or dad) do when you're away?
10)  What could your (mom or dad) be famous for?
11)  What is your (mom or dad) REALLY good at?
12)  What is your (mom or dad) not very good at?
13)  What does your (mom or dad) do for his/her job?
14)  What is your (mom or dad)'s favorite food?
15)  What makes you proud of your (mom or dad)?
16)  If your (mom or dad) was a cartoon character, who would he/she be?
17)  What do you and your (mom or dad) do together?
18)  How are you and your (mom or dad) the same?
19)  How are you and your (mom or dad) different?
20)  How do you know your (mom or dad) loves you?

One year I got the same answer from both of my boys on the first question:  ("What is something that dad always says to you?")

In my Pollyanna world, I expected something like, "Good morning!" or "I love you."

(Drum roll please)  "What is something that dad always says to you?"

And their answer was:


Wow!  Really?!?  I was mortified, but hubby thought it was hilarious.  Like I said, the answers may be surprising and/or good for a laugh.  Who knows?  They might even inspire a Christmas card!

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